Timm Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > *) Person building runs platform-specific script
> If that script is going to be platform-specific anyway, why not use Autoconf
> for the platforms that can handle it?

By platform-specific, we mean that on Unix you'll have to run this command:

$ export CC=/usr/bin/gcc
$ buildmini/unix

While on Windows you'll need:

C:\parrot>set CC="c:\progra~1\micros~3\vc7\bin\cl.exe"
C:\parrot>set LINK="c:\progra~1\micros~3\vc7\bin\link.exe"

And on VMS you'll need...er...I don't even know *what* incantation
you'd need, but I don't think it'd be pretty.

All of these platform-specific scripts would be some variant of this:
    cp buildmini/miniconfig.h include/parrot/config.h
    cp buildmini/miniplatform.h include/parrot/platform.h
    cp buildmini/miniplatform.c src/platform.c

    $CC -DMINIPARROT_UNIXISH -I./include foo.c
    $CC -DMINIPARROT_UNIXISH -I./include bar.c
    $CC -DMINIPARROT_UNIXISH -I./include baz.c

All of the heavy probing would be done in miniparrot, an environment
with consistent (if limited) semantics.

Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl and Parrot hacker

There is no cabal.
[I currently have a couple Gmail invites--contact me if you're interested.]

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