Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since Sam Ruby's been poking at it, and I'm waiting on the register
> coloring function to churn, I figured I'd poke at the python
> converter in CVS a bit. So I did. More ops are done, and things get a
> bit further on his big list 'o tests than they did before, which is
> nice.

pie-thon.pl was a short-term hack to get Python bytecode running. Its
broken in several areas, mostly name handling and function calls. And I
still think that going via Python AST is the better way. Bytecode is
missing already a lot of information - or better its hidden too deeply.

> ... My translator handles a separate set of the tests, but still
> fails on some of them too. (I've not given it a full shakeout yet)

Running "make test" in languages/python is already using ast2past.py,
but most of the tests are just turned off. It would be rather simple,
though, to turn on either Python -> Parrot generation in

Having one set of tests in one place would be really good.

But before continuining seriously, we need the Python PMCs working -
after 0.1.1.


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