Well, I don't know how "true" coroutines are defined, but Parrot, as
it's CPS based, has no problems with coroutines and there are no
restrictions to coroutines, AFAIK.

To be honest, I hadn't thought of this, either (this "true"-ness of coroutines), but then again, I'm no expert on these things.

How coroutines finally really behave WRT argument passing isn't really
layed out. There is a good article in Dan's blog IIRC.

I'll read it again.

co = coroutine.create(function ()
for i=1,10 do
print("co", i)

In Parrot's enough to include a .yield() ...

,--[ simplest usage ]-
| $ cat coro.imc
| .sub main @MAIN
|   $I0 = coro()
|   print $I0
|   $I0 = coro()
|   print $I0
| .end
| .sub coro
|   .yield(4)
|   .yield(2)
| .end
| $ ./parrot coro.imc
| 42

I hadn't seen ".yield(x)"

the same as:

   .return x

to get a static coroutine. Above Lua snippet would use the C<newsub>
opcode to create a Coroutine function object. Such objects act as
closures too (modulo untested, unimplemented features ;)

So, correct me if I'm wrong, a Coroutine is also a closure?
In that case, anytime you would create a closure, you could also create a coroutine?

I've also included the reply I got from Roberto:

Untested code:
function f(x)
A = function () x=x+1 end

B = coroutine.wrap(
function (y)
C = coroutine.wrap(
function (z)
while true do coroutine.yield(x+y+z) end
while true do

X = f()
Now we have:

- function A: each call increments x (in the main thread)

- coroutine B: each call increments y (in that coroutine)

- coroutine C: each call returns x+y+z (each in a different coroutine)

Of course, all this wold be more fun with recursion :) -- Roberto


Do you think the above code snippet could work? That is, without much special code, can this be done in PIR?
(Of course, why would one ever want to write /such/ code :-P, but that's another issue)


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