Leopold Toetsch wrote:

I believe that you shouldn't litter (i.e. create an immediately GCable object) on each function call - at least not without generational collector specifically optimised to work with this.

The problem isn't the object creation per se, but the sweep through the *whole object memory* to detect dead objects. It's of course true, that we don't need the return continuation PMC for the fib benchmark.

Well, creation is also the problem if you crawl the entire free heap before triggering the next GC round. You get a potential cache miss on each creation and on each mark and on each destruction. To keep GC out of the way, the entire arena has to be confined to cache size or less.

But a HLL translated fib would use Integer PMCs for calculations.

Hmm, I'm nitpicking here, but it's not how e.g. Psyco works. It specialises each function to specific argument types and recompiles for each new argument type set. Assuming that you'll call only very few functions with more than 1-2 type combinations, this is a good tradeoff. It also removes a lot of consing, especially for arithmetics.

... This would entail the first generation that fits into the CPU cache and copying out live objects from it. And this means copying GC for Parrot, something that (IMHO) would be highly nontrivial to retrofit.

A copying GC isn't really hard to implement. And it has the additional benefit of providing better cache locality. Nontrivial to retrofit or not, we need a generational GC.

Copying and generational are orthogonal concepts. It's quite possible to have noncopying gengc (and nongenerational copying GC, but that's beside the point). This gives you quick mark phases but without so much gain with locality (I think Boehm GC can do this).

The problem with copying GC is that pointers can change under your feet
at every opportunity. Embedded C libraries that try to manipulate GCed
objects really hate when that happens - in particular where some
pointers get cached in the CPU registers - and telling GC to (un)protect
a pointer is a chore on C programmers (as bad as manual refcounting). I
suppose that there are good solutions to this, I'm just not aware of any.

The gain is that you can guarantee that the youngest generation will be
no bigger than X kb. This can be very good thing.

However, for the problem at hand - namely, littering during function
calls, custom deallocator (that'd be chunks) could be enough. In
particular, it makes sense to use it in conjunction with a non-copying


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