Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the clear explanation.  I did not realize that S registers
>>>> could switch pointers, that does make things a little harder.  I have
>>>> a recommendation for a possible hybrid solution.  Incur the cost of
>>>> spilling I,S,N registers heavily.  Restore the state of P register.
>>> My conclusion was that with the copying approach I,S,N registers are
>>> unusable.
>> But you only need to copy when the frame you're restoring is a full
>> continuation
> Yes. With the effect that semantics of I,S,N (i.e. value registers)
> suddenly changes.
>> I'd submit that, in the vast majority of cases you're not going to be
>> dealing with full continuations, and on the occasions when you are the
>> programmer using them will be aware of the cost and will be willing to
>> pay it.
> *If* the programmer is aware of the fact that a subroutine can return
> multiple times, he can annotate the source so that a correct CFG is
> created that prevents register reusing alltogether. The problem is
> gone in the first place.
> *If* that's not true, you'd get the effect that suddenly I,S,N registers
> restore to some older values which makes this registers de facto unusable.

But they're bloody value registers. They're *supposed* to restore to the
state they were in when the function was originally called. Which is
what copying semantics does.

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