> > > I hope you're not emulating Test::More's exit code == # of
> > > tests failed "feature" that I'm planning on getting rid of.
> > 
> > Right now that's exactly what I'm doing.  The test suite for libtap 
> > consists of a series of Test::More test files and a series of C files that
> > try and test exactly the same thing.
> > 
> > For each one of these I make sure that the output from libtap is identical
> > to the output from Test::More (modulo differences in reporting which 
> > file/line a test failed on) and that the exit code is identical.
> I would recommend against emulating this feature.  I haven't found it useful
> and haven't found anyone who has.  It was put in as a very simple mechanism
> to determine if your test failed or not without having to parse the output.
> This was back when there was no way to run Test::Harness and programmaticly
> get the results.
> You might want to throw it in as an option.  I'm going to change Test::More
> so it no longer mucks with the exit code by default, you'll have to turn
> this feature on.

OK.  I'll track changes to Test::Harness, and libtap'll stop doing it when
T::H stops.

Now that there's an effort to separate TAP-the-protocol from T::H, is it
worth having an additional mailing list for people who are working on
implementing it, test harnesses, and so on, in other languages?  Or is
perl-qa still the appropriate forum?

Whatever happens, I recommend freezing what T::H does now and calling it
1.0, and immediately working on 1.1 which only differs in requiring a 
non-optional version number to be emitted by a test to indicate which
TAP version it's producing.


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