--- David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> . . . .
> Obviously, however @Larry decide it should be, is the way it'll be
> and nothing I can say will change that.

Au contraire -- that's what this list is for.
State your opinion, man! :)

> That said:  this would suck.  Badly.
> We should not be optimizing for the compiler's convenience, but for
> the programmer's.

I'm pretty sure that's the case so far. The @Larry are trying to do as
much of the for as possible while minimally reducing the latter,
though, and that's also good.

> Although I can't prove it, I strongly suspect that the majority of 
> times that someone sits down to do something with Perl, it's a quick 
> one-liner or short script.  Strictness just gets in the way for
> those.  
> (And, for the record; I make my living writing Perl, mostly large 
> programs, and I always use strict in those programs.  I want strict. 
> I like strict.  Strict is good.  I just don't want strict by

For the record likewise, I also make my living writing perl scripts,
and the huge preponderance of them fall into one of two major
1) tools which use one or more of our in-house libraries such as
modules to parse a particular file layout, or
2) little 5 or 10 line utility scripts that handle a frequently needed
niche. (Or maybe that correct wierd behavior by reimplementing our
strange version of head....)

That said, it's the strange and usually VERY old script that doesn't
start with

  use strict;
  use warnings;

In fact, one of those little utility scripts is explicitly for that: it
opens a file and puts things like those pragma and a stamp for who
started it when and when at the top. (Mostly it just edits itself into
a new file. :)

I for one (minority or not) would like strictures unless otherwise
requested, though I think the last I heard was the right approach --
strict by default in modules and classes, but not in simple scripts.

Doesn't that handle it?


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