James Mastros writes:
> Luke Palmer wrote:
> >James Mastros writes:
> >>Does this imply that it's now possible to type C<my @foo[23] = 42;>, and 
> >>declare @foo?  In the current perl, this doesn't work -- it's a syntax 
> >>error.  It'd certainly make many constructs easier.
> >
> >That looks weird to me.  But as Rod points out, it can be useful with
> >hashes. 
> Yes, that's the primary case I was thinking of.  I was trying to find a 
> smaller example.
> OTOH, I realize now you can do that with zip in P6, in which case you do 
> have a mention of the whole variable to stick a my on -- C<my %foo = 
> zip(@keys, @values);>  I think C<my [EMAIL PROTECTED] = @values;> reads 
> better 
> though, even though looking at it literally, you're attempting to 
> lexicalize an element.

Know what's cool?

    my %foo = @keys Â=>Â @values;

I think we have enough WTDI now. 


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