On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 11:57:17AM -0800, Ovid wrote:
> --- Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    Logic Programming in Perl 6
> >     Ovid asked what logic programming in perl 6 would look like. No
> > answer
> >     yet, but I suppose I can pick the low hanging fruit: as a
> > limiting case
> >     you could always back out the entire perl 6 grammar and insert
> > that of
> >     prolog.
> I dunno about that.  The predicate calculus doesn't exactly translate
> well to the sort of programming that Perl 6 is geared for.  I don't
> think it's a matter of redefining a grammar.  Maybe unification can be
> handled with junctions, but backtracking?  I am thinking that some
> serious work down at the Parrot level would be necessary, but I would
> be quite happy to be corrected :)
> Cheers,
> Ovid

This kind of ties in to the 4 < $x < 2 issue with junctions.
As long as junctions retain state to determine such relations
correctly, they should be able to be used for logic programming

I'd kind of like there to be a version of junctions that acted
as a Quantum Superposition. So:

    $x = ( 1|3|5 );
    4 < $x < 2;

would keep track of both the truth values and the the
corresponding subsets of the junction.  So, as the
interpretor evaluated 4 < $x it would give a result of
(true=>(5),false=>(1|3)); then the evaluation of $x < 2 would
modify that to (true=>(),false=>(1|3|5)).  That type of junction
would have the same result of false even if the statement was
written as:

    4 < $x and $x < 2;

That would be a good thing, because I don't think that the
chain comparisons are the only place where juctions will give
ridiculous answers because multually exclusive subsets of the
junction value are found to fulfil different conditions in a
sequence of steps.

Unfortunately, doing this "properly" would lead to having the
program form into multiple processes and would lead to problems
with irreversible actions that occur while the superposition is
still multi-determinate.

The basic problem is that a junction does not work well with
boolean operations, because the answer is usually "sometimes
yes and sometimes no" and until you resolve which of those is
the one you want, you have to proceed with both conditions.
The all/any/none/one (but we're missing not-all and all-but-one
from a full list of operators) give a local scale resolution
to this discrepancy, but sometimes you want a larger scale

If code is being evaluated tentatively (we don't know whether
the current member of the junction will be considered a true
element of the result) you really need to limt your actions
to side-effect-free operations.

I'm afraid that I have too much fluff in my very little brain
to have a good solution to this.


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