More hyper-operators

        Incidentally, is there any chance we'll have more than one official
hyper-operator in Perl6?  According to the S3, there's only one, "the"  
hyper-operator, >><<.  If I understand, hyper-operators are just operators
which operate on functions (including operators).  We effectively already have
three more hyper-operators, "sort", "map" and "grep", all of which are
operators which take one function and one array.  But I can also see uses for
some of the other ones from APL (where they call hyper-operators operators).

        Maybe if we could work out some way to take the current perl 
hyper-operator, and have it optionally f-Reduce (see APL) rather than 
expanding arrays.  Then we could do something better than:
@array = qw(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8);
foreach(@array) { $total += @array; }


$total +=<<< @array;

        For f-Reduce:
        Look under Language Guide/Operators.  

        Yes, I suspect we really can't use <<<; maybe we could use some 
unicode thing.  

New comparison operator
        It'd be nice to have a subset operator.  If one operand is an array, 
it says whether the other operand is a subset of it.  If both operands are 
scalar, it returns the position of one as a substring in the other.  

Override comparison function

        We have two set of operators for comparison, one for numeric, and one
for string.  There are a variety of other comparisons possible, for example
case insensitive, soundex, Wagner-Fischer (cf. Text::WagnerFischer, agrep,
etc).  I know that the first two can be simulated by running both operands
through a conversion function first, but this is a pain in eg. sort.

        I was thinking that this also could be resolved with hyper-operators.  
Imagine two hyper-operators, which I will call <s> (string), and <o> (other)
(these are not suggested syntax, but placeholders in this discussion).  Then
we could do:  

$a == $b
$a ==<s> $b
$a ==<o> $b

        The first would be a numeric comparison, as always.  The second would 
be a string comparison.  The third would be another comparison, and could be 
redefined with eg. "use Text::WagnerFischer" or "use Text::Soundex".  

        It'd also be cool if we could do:
@a = sort<=><s> @b

        (sort would default to sort <=>, but the above would do a string 

        Or, as an alternate syntax (I don't mind the syntax, I just want the 
functionality), we could have an internal function called eg. scalar_compare, 
which points to scalar_compare_string.  We'd keep all the current operators, 
but when someone did "use Text::WagnerFischer qw(override_compare)", it would 
repoint scalar_compare at scalar_compare_WagnerFischer, and all string 
comparison functions (eg. eq, ne, sort) would automatically use the new 

        Note both ways achieve what I want, but the first would have overrides 
on a per-operator basis, whereas the second would make it the default for all 
comparison functions.  There are various middle ways, but I think the whole 
thing could be easier this way.  

Array operators (functions?)
        It'd be nice to have awway union and intersection operators.  I'm 
assuming that all arrays in the following example have unique elements 
(speaking of which, I'd like a uniq function to be part of perlfunc).  

Union: Easily simulated with (@a, @b) ==> uniq ==> @c
Intersection: this one's harder:
foreach $avar (@a) { push @c, grep { /$avar/ } @b; }
@c = map { $avar = $_; grep { /$avar/ } @b } @a;
@a ==> map { $avar = $_; @b ==> grep { /$avar/ } } ==> @c;

        ...none of which are neat.  Assuming we don't get an extra magic 
variable (ie. $_ = this, $!!! = $that), it'd be nice to have something that 
does this.  

getfiledir function
        I don't see anything that talks about a perlfunc rewrite, so I thought 
I'd comment on the one function I use in nearly *every* perl program I write.  
Here it is:

sub     getfiledir {
        my($file) = @_;

        if(-d $file) { return(glob($file)) } 
        else {
                open(FILE, $file) or die "Error: Can't open file '$file': $!";
                @lines = <FILE>;
                close(FILE) or die "Error: Can't close file '$file': $!";

        That also lets me pass in command pipes ending in |.  

        Anyway, hopefully someone will point out an easy way to do one or two 
of the above with existing features, and the other(s) will be useful to the 


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                           |

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