Autrijus wrote:

Is there other built-in methods not found in perl5 that you are
aware of?


I'd like to work out declarations and implementations
of them in one sweep, if possible. :-)

Hah! Dream on! I don't think we have a canonical list anywhere (except in Larry's head). Some non-Perl-5 Perl 6 builtins that instantly come to mind include:

        zip       - interleave arrays (also the C<¥> operator)
        uniq      - remove duplicates without reordering
        reduce    - standard list processing function
        sum       - add list values
        max       - maximum (may take a block to specify comparison criterion)
        min       - minimum (may take a block to specify comparison criterion)
        kv        - return interleaves keys and values from a hash or array
        type      - return the type metaobject for a referent
        pick      - select at random from a list, array, or hash

I'm sure there are many others.


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