On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:03:20 -0800, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2005 at 01:15:52AM -0600, Rod Adams wrote:
> : =item multi sub cos (?Num) returns Num
> :
> : =item multi method Num::cos () returns Num
> It would be nice if we could just say the first implies the second.
> I guess what that effectively means is that even if you take the
> default, it's only the value that's optional, not the type.  And,
> in fact, you'd have to put the ? on the variable, not on the type,
> so you might write those
>     =item multi sub cos (Num ?$n = $CALLER::_) returns Num
> instead.  Shall we settle on $x, $y, $z for standard Num args?  In which
> case that becomes
>     =item multi sub cos (Num ?$x = $CALLER::_) returns Num

For documentary purposes, can we make that $radians?

multi sub cos (Num +$degrees) returns Num {
    return cos :radians($degrees * PI  / 180);

my Num $x = cos :degrees(270);

Ashley Winters

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