On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 08:06:08AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 10:58:00PM +1100, Andrew Savige wrote:
> : my $fh = open(@ARGS[0]);
> : my @lines = =$fh;
> : $fh.close();
> : for @lines { print"$_" }
> : 
> Hmm.  It's probably a design bug.  I'm wondering if we have to specify
> that ordinary assignment not only copies logically but, in fact, always
> does ** flattening (immediate flattening) like Perl 5

Except ** does not flatten recursively, so:

    my $lines = [ =$fh ];

is still borked.

Do we want a *** "nuke everything flat" semantic device, if not the
operator?  Or an eager context on the right hand side of "="?

On the other hand, we can alternatively specify that closing a
file handle must force all thunks associated to it, i.e. in this
case fill @lines with real data.  Pugs can do that just fine, but I
have no idea how parrot is to achieve that...


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