"Leopold Toetsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Syntax proposal:

   .sub foo @MULTI
     .invocant Integer a
     .invocant Float b
     .param pmc c

Alternate syntax:

 .sub foo multi(Integer, Float)
   .param pmc a
   .param pmc b
   .param pmc c

I may well be missing something, but it seems to be that we're declaring the first two parameter's types twice (pmc and Integer, pmc and Float), which I'm not sure is a good idea. Of course, there is...

.sub foo multi(Integer a, Float b)
  .param pmc c

Though I don't know how I feel about that either (or rather, I'm not sure how other folks will).



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