Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:

Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: C<do filename> I'll tackle at the same time as C<eval>. It's likely
: staying in some form. I use it from time to time when I'm patching
: together several automation scripts. (Remember that Perl gets used for
: the quick and dirty as well as the big and elegant.)

But probably huffmanized to something longer like "evalfile".

eval :file("somefile.pl6"); eval :string('{$^x + ' ~ $y ~ '}');

  eval :file(""), :lang('perl5');
  eval :string("lamda x: x + $y"), :lang('python');

Since as long as we're huffmanizing, eval STRING deserves to be longer
than do STRING.

Hmm. maybe we just need a function that loads an entire file and returns a string of it, then feeds that to eval.

C<eval> taking code for other languages.... That's evil.   I like it :-)

btw, has some syntax been created for "punt this over to Parrot, in language X"?

  eval q:to:0 /EOB/  :lang('PIR');

  eval $=DATA :lang('python');

  eval loadfile '' :lang('ponie');

Making them strings eases the task of parsing. The constant heredoc and pod-block forms definitely seem like something that could be addressed at compile time.

-- Rod Adams

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