At the moment I'm trying to see if I could get used to ..method meaning
$_.method, and whether it buys me anything psychologically.

At some point, adding another thing people have to remember in order to save one character gets a bit self-defeating, surely.

The good thing about $_.method is that it is familiar, quite compact anyways by virtue of using $_, and nobody is going to be surprised by it.

Personally (and I'm admittedly leaning towards simplicity lately) I'd even throw a warning for using .method when there is an explicitly named invocant as well.

# Good
sub foo {

# Possibly confusing, throw a warning or forbid under strict?
sub foo ($self:) {

# More obvious
sub foo ($self:) {

of course, since it is still preferable to be symmetrical, if $.attr is legal (and no warning) with a named invocant, then so should .method be.

Adam K

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