I stumbled across a couple of interesting quote interpolation
edge cases:

Case 1

# cat ttt.p6
my $x = "{";

# pugs ttt.p6

unexpected end of input
expecting "\"", "$!", "$/", "\\" or block
NonTerm SourcePos "ttt.p6" 2 1

Is this a bug?

Case 2

# cat q1.pl
my $x = "$";
print "x='$x'\n";

# perl -w q1.pl
Final $ should be \$ or $name at q1.pl line 1, within string
syntax error at q1.pl line 1, near "= "$""
Execution of q1.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

# pugs q1.pl

Wow, is pugs better than p5 here? ;-)


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