I've been experimenting with dynamic linkage on Windows.  As a teaser
to read on, here's how far I've got.
Failed Test            Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\dynclass\foo.t          1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t\dynclass\gdbmhash.t    13  3328    13   13 100.00%  1-13
t\dynclass\pybuiltin.t    6  1536     6    6 100.00%  1-6
t\dynclass\pyclass.t      6  1536     6    6 100.00%  1-6
t\dynclass\pycomplex.t    1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t\dynclass\pyfunc.t       4  1024     4    4 100.00%  1-4
t\dynclass\pyint.t       25  6400    25   25 100.00%  1-25
t\op\spawnw.t             2   512     3    2  66.67%  2-3
3 tests and 66 subtests skipped.
Failed 8/141 test scripts, 94.33% okay. 58/2263 subtests failed, 97.44% okay.

Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\op\spawnw.t    2   512     3    2  66.67%  2-3
3 tests and 65 subtests skipped.
Failed 1/139 test scripts, 99.28% okay. 2/2257 subtests failed, 99.91% okay.

Don't worry about spawn at the moment, it broke some week ago, and is
not related to the linkage problem.

There's quite a number of changes involved, here's my proposal of how
to change things.  Choosing early on static or dynamic linkage, and
changing the library names, is not strictly necessary, but would
probably make things simpler, and Parrot feel more at home on
Windows, respectively.

- Parrot should be told during Configure to be built static
  or dynamic (shared); it should probably be dynamic on most systems

- A static Parrot should not run the dynclasses tests

- The parrot library should be named C<parrot.lib> and
C<parrot${MAJOR}${MINOR}.dll> on Windows

- The dynamic parrot library C<parrot01.dll> should be in the same
directory as C<parrot.exe>, or otherwise it must be a)explicity loaded
or b)the directory added to the PATH environment.

- Paths and/or linkage instructions should be updated accordingly, eg
            (my $libparrot_root = $PConfig{blib_lib_libparrot_a}) =~ 
            my $libparrot_dynamic = $libparrot_root.$PConfig{share_ext};

            my $libparrot;
            # use shared library version if available
            if( -e $libparrot_dynamic ) {
                $libparrot = '-Lblib/lib -lparrot';
            } else {
                $libparrot = $libparrot_root.$PConfig{a};

- There should be a macro PARROT_API, which hints the compiler how to
link things, on platforms that support it.  Eg, on Windows it should
expand to
    '__declspec(dllexport)'  if a symbol should be exported (dynamic)
    '__declspec(dllimport)'  if a symbol should be imported (dynamic)
    empty string             (static)
PARROT_API must be added to each API symbol of the library.

- A similar macro must be present for each library, which means there
must be a different one for dynclasses (PARROT_DYNCLASSES_API), as the
symbols of libparrot must be imported, and the symbols of the
dynclasses exported.

I have some questions, too.

- After I changed the linkage, some dynclasses failed, during access
of C<Parrot_base_vtables[100]>.  No surprise, as the array is only
long.  After I changed it to 1000, the tests passed.  Why gets no one
else bitten by this?  Somehow my fault?  Shouldn't it be dynamically

- I'm not sure where IMCC belongs.  I'd guess it goes into libparrot.
But F<imcc/main.c> goes into the parrot executable.  Yet, this one
depends on parser symbols (line, yyparse, yyin, yydebug, yylex), which
probably should not be exported by libparrot.  Any hints?

Comments are highly appreciated, especially from the Win32 folks.

Leo, if that's okay, I'll wait for your "GO" before preparing and
submitting any patches.

Frohe Ostern,

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