At 04:44 PM 3/28/2005, Ron Blaschke wrote:
MrJoltCola wrote:
> At 04:08 PM 3/28/2005, Ron Blaschke wrote:
>> > On the one hand, IMCC doesn't really help you _run_ code, so I'm not
>> > inclined to see it part of libparrot.  On the other hand, I haven't
>> > grokked the entire code base organization, so I could be Greatly
>> > Missing The Point.
>>I have left things as-is while getting linkage correctly.  That is,
>>most of IMCC is currently part of libparrot (only F<main.c> is not).
>>In the beginning, I thought IMCC is part of the parrot executable, but
>>reality left me puzzled, so I thought I'll leave the decision to you.

> IMCC is integral for Parrot in order to eval/compile new PASM and PIR at
> runtime. If you ONLY want to support precompiled bytecodes you
> can get by without it but for quite some time now IMCC _is_ the
> Parrot front end.

> It might make sense to provide separate libparrotvm without dynamic eval
> capability so you can leave out the actual compiler and register allocator
> and have it loaded on demand (libparrotimcc or some such).
> This would help save memory in the default case.

So, I guess the yacc stuff - yylex, yyparse, yyin and such - should be
hidden somewhere inside IMCC, behind an interface, which would then be
part of libparrot interface?

Yes, I think so. Of course I always wanted to write a pure parrot form of the
whole IMCC compiler, but nowadays Parrot is so reliant on C that it seems
a pointless exercise to go "Pure Parrot" until the whole community gets on-board.


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