
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 16:37:41 +0200, Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 5) infix method signature change:
>    METHOD PMC* add( [INTERP, SELF,] PMC* rhs, PMC ´*dest) {
>      if (!dest)
>         dest = pmc_new(INTERP, SELF->vtable->base_type);
>      ...
>      return dest;
>    }
> If the destination PMC is passed in, it's used else a new PMC of an
> appropriate type is created.

I would actually appreciate a refresher on the original motivation
behind never autogenerating a LHS.  I recall being told it has
something to do with tied data, but I was never clear on exactly how
that related.  I would think that tied data would only require
VTABLE_assign method, and would not care how its RHS was created (via
an add or mul or whatever).

Thus I would argue for having most operators create their result (but
having a special assign that would call a VTABLE method) and forcing
languages with active data to go through a two step assignment

$P0 = $P1 + $P2 # P0 created
$P3 <- $P0 # P3 gets to run its tied code

and languages like python which have immutable scalars could always use

$P0 = $P1 + $P2 # P0 created

One concern that occurs to me is that this would cause more new PMC
allocations.  But I am whether or not that is true.

> 7) separate inplace methods
> Opcodes like:
>    d += r    # add d, r
> are currently using the normal add method with the destination set to
> SELF. This is suboptimal, especially, when the destination PMC is
> morphed to a different type (e.g. due to bigint promotion) which
> destroys the value of SELF.
> It's just cleaner to have distinct inplace methods, it's very likely
> also needed anyway, as method overloading would not work if the inplace
> operations are the same.
> Therefore we have:
>    infix "__i_add", d, r
> and in *.pmc
>    METHOD void i_add( [INTERP, SELF, ] PMC* r) {...}

I think this one is very necessary.

"Computer Science is merely the post-Turing Decline of Formal Systems Theory."

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