Larry Wall wrote:

I suppose bare ^
is also available:

   given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
       ^close or fail;

That almost makes sense, given that $^a is like $_.  It also points vaguely
upward toward some antecedent.  I could maybe get used to that, if I
tried real hard for a long time.  Almost makes we wish we could rename
$_ to $^ though.  Hmm...

I like this.
Only I'd have C< .foo > means C< $ > and C< ^foo > mean C< $ >, assuming $self is the first invocant.

Why swap them? because $_ is known for performing magical disappearing acts all over the place, and the ^ ties in with the $^x of parameters.

As for shortcuts to $OUTER::_, perhaps $-, if it's not put to some better usage, but anything beyond that is getting too obscure for common usage.

-- Rod Adams

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