I noticed that Makefile.PL has deny_cygwin() very early on in the
process. As I hate developing in native Win32, I've been trying to
make this problem go away.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the only problem with Pugs on
Cygwin is the pathing requirements that GHC has, all of which are
fixable using cygpath

The steps I've taken thus far are:
1) Link /bin/ghc to the GHC install location.
2) Created a /bin/cygghc that applies cygpath to every parameter that
begins with '/', then calls ghc.
3) Turn POSIX off.

This allows Pugs to compile and it will run the basic "Hello world"
programs. However, Pugs can't run the test suite because @INC isn't
cygpath'ed. I don't have enough Haskell-fu or compiler-fu to fix it,
but I just wanted it documented what the problems are.

I'm willing to do any testing needed to get and keep a Cygwin port
happy. If this is something the group wants to pursue, I'll post my


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