On Wed, 11 May 2005, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

>On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 06:16:27PM +0200, Uwe Voelker wrote:
>> Btw. the tests in t/p6rules/*.t have 'no_plan'. Should this be changed
>> to reflect the correct number of tests? I have this patch ready, but I'm
>> too shy to post :-)
>Feel free to correct 'no_plan'.  I'll happily apply any and all
>patches to the tests, and those with commit privs are welcome
>to directly modify the t/p6rules/*.t files at any time.

Speak of the devil -- I started working on more unit tests for
p6rules today, starting with the things Patrick listed the other day in
his PGE features update:

>Newsgroups: perl.perl6.compiler,perl.perl6.internals
>Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 10:50:57 -0500
>To: perl6-internals[at]perl.org, perl6-compiler[at]perl.org
>Subject: PGE features update
>Message-ID: <20050508155057.GA25186[at]pmichaud.com>
>From: pmichaud[at]pobox.com (Patrick R. Michaud)
>There have been a lot of substantial updates to the Parrot Grammar
>Engine, so I figure it's a good time for a summary report.  The latest
>version (in the Parrot cvs trunk) now incorporates:
> -  subrules
> -  capture aliases (named and numbered)
> -  the :w modifier and <?ws> subrules
> -  word boundaries (\b and \B)
> -  simple backreferences  ($1, $2, $<term>, etc.)
>Also, more tests have been added to t/p6rules, but we definitely
>need more.  Tests are especially needed for:
> -  Rules specified with and without :w modifiers
> -  calls to subrules
> -  named alias captures
> -  numbered alias captures
> -  \s \S \w \W \d \D \n \N

I figured this for a good opportunity to get the hang of the new rules
syntax. I'm now reading S05 in detail. :)



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