On 5/23/05, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In discussing the benefits, I didn't think you made a strong argument.
> However, in reading the page your docs points to, I think the argument
> can be improved with this:
>   Precondition violations mean that the client
>   is in error. Postcondition violations means
>   that the supplier is incorrect.

I've left out deeper discussion in hope that I'll be writing a larger
article that dives further into the world of contracts. But, you're
right -- I've probably skimmed to far above the surface.

> I also noticed you didn't make a comparison to Class::Contract.  I
> think something explicit would be useful. 

Whoops! Definitely meant to include that.

> You did write
> "Class::Agreement is also the only implementation in any language to
> blame failed contracts correctly", but I don't know what that means.  I
> also note that the link you point us to after that comment is a
> citation, not something I can actually read.

CiteSeer has a little box full of links under "View or Download" on
the citation pages.

Ian Langworth

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