On 6/10/05, Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hmmm.  Thanks.  I guess I will have to go back over the questions I
> have asked and see if any decisions were rendered not relfected in
> docs and be a pioneer.

Ok, are there any guidelines for what should and should not be put
forward as a patch.  I can see 3 key areas of concern:

1.  Framework for unwritten Synopses (so we know what goes where)
2.  Heading placeholders for written Synopses with missing information
3.  Decisions rendered by @larry (or should it only be $larry) on the
list that are not yet in the corresponding Synopsis

I have included a sample framework for chapter 17.  Theoretically,
someone could then go search the archives for decision points in any
of those headings and fill in the blanks.  Is this what you envisioned
or were you thinking only minor tweaks to existing documents?

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. L~R

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