On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:00:51 -0700, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Barbie's journal, via Ovid, made me aware of patent EP1170667 "Software
> Package Verification" granted last month in the EU.  
> http://gauss.ffii.org/PatentView/EP1170667

Contact  Steffen Beyer
         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

He *works* at the european patent bureau

> It appears to patent basic software testing frameworks.  There is a nine 
> month window to oppose this patent.  I believe Test::Harness constitutes 
> prior art but IANAL.  I would like to speak with a lawyer.  Does anyone 
> happen to know an EU patent attorney who is willing to do a little pro bono 
> work?  At this point I only want an educated reading of the patent to 
> determine if Test::Harness may be prior art.
> I've contacted the EFF's staff attorney about this but he's not familiar
> with EU patent laws and recommended I find someone who is.  I've also
> attempted to contact the Inventors listed on the patent (valid email 
> addresses are difficult to find these days) in the hopes of discussing this 
> programmer-to-programmer and cut through the legal BS.  Haven't heard
> back yet.
> Here is my figuring on how Test::Harness is prior art:
> It includes the control (Test::Harness), framework (Test.pm, Test::More, 
> etc..) and modules (*.t files) as outlined in claim 1.  It can handle many
> test files (claim 2).  It has the ability to order the execution of test 
> files based on the filename which serves as a priority (claims 3 and 4).
> It has means to indicate if a given module is active or inactive (claim 5, 
> 6 and 7) by the module issuing a "skip" flag.
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Harness/lib/Test/Harness/TAP.pod#Skipping_tests
> Test modules are typically stored as individual files, usually ending in .t,
> in a directory, usually t/ (claim 8).  Test::Harness can be told the order
> in which tests are to be run.  MakeMaker specifically runs test files in
> alphabetical order by filename (claims 9, 10, 11, 12).  Test::Harness only
> recently added support for non-file based testing but JUnit and the
> Smalltalk testing frameworks handle tests in software objects (claim 13).
> The rest of the claims appear to repeat 1-13 in legalese.

H.Merijn Brand        Amsterdam Perl Mongers (http://amsterdam.pm.org/)
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 AIX 4.3 & 5.2, SuSE 9.2 & 9.3, and Cygwin. http://www.cmve.net/~merijn
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