Is it just me or is it b0rked to have a file named src/parrot.c that
does nothing while the entry point for the parrot executable lives in


On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 04:04:45PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a recent discussion with Chip and Leo, the idea came up to ask for a
> list of very specific TODO items -- specifically things that should work
> but don't.  
> We'll gather a list and figure out what's up, whether someone fixed it
> since then, whether the docs are misleading, or whether it's still in a
> state of brokenness.  Here's your chance to say "Hm, I tried this and
> thought it should work but it blew up and I don't know what to do."
> I know Autrijus at YAPC::NA mentioned that the lexical implementation
> didn't really work.
> I think that nested ManagedStruct and UnManagedStruct PMCs share state
> between them, so you can't have two independent data structures -- but
> I'm not completely sure.
> Anything else?
> -- c

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