Well personally I use Module::Install (where no_index is also mostly undocumented too, but exists). It's what all the Cool Kids(tm) use these days. For example here's my Makefile.PL for Class::Autouse.

use inc::Module::Install;

name          ( 'Class-Autouse'             );
abstract      ( 'Run-time class loading on first method call' );
author        ( 'Adam Kennedy<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' );
version_from  ( 'lib/Class/Autouse.pm'      );
license       ( 'perl'                      );

requires      ( 'perl'         => '5.005'   );
requires      ( 'Carp'         => '0'       );
requires      ( 'File::Spec'   => '0.82'    );
requires      ( 'List::Util'   => '1.11'    );

build_requires( 'Test::More'   => '0.47'    );

# Requested by clkao to make installation of svk in some
# situations easier and not fail.
include       ( 'ExtUtils::AutoInstall'     );

# Our test directories contain valid looking modules.
# Make sure they don't get indexed.
no_index      ( directory      => 'modules' );



In Class::Autouse, the directory "modules" contains a whoooole bunch of files for testing the autoloading weird cases. Things like...


and so on... about 20 something total.

The no_index command results in a no_index entry being added to the META.yml file, but only in that being added with no other effects.

I'm afraid I have no knowledge of how to do it in vanilla MakeMaker, if Module::Build supports it. Perhaps someone needs to file a "doesn't support no_index" bug against Module::Build? :)

Adam K

Ivan Tubert-Brohman wrote:
Adam Kennedy wrote:

Only the libraries (and .pod docs) in your dist should be indexed)
things in inc/ and t/ and examples/ etc should NOT be indexed. Thus,
there should be a no_index entry in the meta.yml for all of these directories (if they have .pm files in them).

Sorry for my ignorance, but I had never even heard of this option. I don't find any way of setting it via MakeMaker or Module::Build. Do I have to edit META.yml by hand? Would it get overritten by 'make dist'?


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