David Cantrell wrote:
Tels wrote:

If I were to run CPANTS, I would drop that module like a hot potato at a summer campfire.

Oh, and reduce everyone's K rating involved in the little prank by one :)

I thought the whole point of CPANTS was to be useful to authors, not useful to the CPANTS cabal. So if I want to game my CPANTS rating why would you care?

Why should you HAVE to game your CPANTS rating? Why shouldn't a properly written module get a full score? All those red boxes in the grid are like red rags to a bull.

You either make it trivial to game it (so there's no challenge), or impossible. Making it hard just annoys everyone else.

Ditch the CPANTs elements that a fail-by-default. By that I mean has_test_pod_coverage, is_prereq and possibly also has_test_pod.

Or make is_prereq SO easy to game that it's a nonissue? Why should a module depended upon by another author be ranked any higher than one that isn't.

There are other metrics that take that into account much better (which I'll get back to you on once I have them working).

Adam K

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