Ingo Blechschmidt skribis 2005-09-19 14:21 (+0000):
>     \(1,2,3);        # Reference to a list promoted to an array (!)
>     \(((1,2,3)));    # same

Except that it has to be a reference to a reference, because (1,2)
(in scalar context) already evaluates to a reference, because it can't
be a pure array.

A list isn't a thing like an array. It's always the result of something:
list context.

Could you think of a formal specification of \ the way you want it, that
doesn't exist of only examples? What context does it give its RHS? What
do you want , in that comma to do? Are parens in any way special when
used with \? What is the precedence of \?


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