On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 04:34:50PM +0200, Allison Randal wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2005, at 12:26, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> >Which is what I've been doing
> >but It's my understanding that copyright can only be transfered by a
> >written argument.
> Yes, and in fact we won't be doing copyright *transfers* at all. When  
> you sign the contributor agreement, you'll be signing a copyright  
> *license*, which still leaves you with the right to use the code  
> elsewhere. TPF holds the "compilation copyright", that is the  
> copyright on the distributed collection of code. The individual files  
> say "Copyright The Perl Foundation" to reflect that fact. Individual  
> copyrights on included pieces of code are irrelevant from perspective  
> of the distribution (except that the contributors agree to give TPF  
> the license to distribute them).

Sounds reasonable and well thought out.

> >This next statement isn't intending to stir up a
> >flame-war but does TPF holding the copyrights really matter?  AFAIK -
> >The only value in having a single party holding _all_ the  
> >copyrights is
> >to be able to change the licensing.
> The advantage is down-stream, for the people and companies that use  
> Perl/Parrot. If there isn't a single source of ownership on the  
> distribution, then legally users need to negotiate with every single  
> individual contributor to Perl/Parrot to ensure that they have the  
> right to use it. No-one will do that.

If that was true nobody would be using the Linux kernel.  How do you
explain that?  That only examples I can think of where 'users' negotiate
anything with an open source project is to be granted a license
exception and I'd imagine that the terms of the "contributor agreement"
would forbid that.  Is that the case?

> So, with Perl 5, Larry is the compilation owner. The problem with  
> that is it makes Larry personally liable for any action brought  
> against Perl (not that that would ever happen, we hope), and a  
> successful suit could take his house, his car, his savings, etc. (not  
> that that would ever happen, we hope). With Perl 6/Parrot we decided  
> putting the burden of liability on the foundation is a better way to  
> do it. That way the worst that can happen in a legal action is that  
> someone can take the (limited) resources of TPF (not that that will  
> ever happen, we hope).

Has any FOSS developer ever been found liable (or even sued)?

Not that I have any objections to this plan but it might be worth
considering that it's much easier to sue a single entity then it is to
file a tort against a few tens or hundreds of contributors.




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