On 10/20/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Schneelocke skribis 2005-10-20 18:00 (+0200):
> > Would c! be an option?
> In current Perl 6: Yes, because infix ! does not exist.
> But several people want ! to be a chainy none() constructor, and this
> would destroy a dream.

You seem to be forgetting that we do have the longest token rule.  So,
the only way this destroys a dream (and likewise, the only way c|
doesn't work), is if you have the poor package or class name c and you
insist on writing c|d or c!d without spaces.

Still, if you'd like to make a suggestion instead of just telling us
why our ideas don't work in very specific circumstances, feel free.


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