On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 11:31:37PM +1100, Andrew Savige wrote:
: On revisiting the old p6 golf example programs of *cough* six
: months ago, I noticed they all still worked save one:
: [=<>].reverse.print
: This used to reverse the lines in a file, but now prints the
: lines unreversed and with a space in between each line.
: It seems the original behaviour can be restored with:
: (=<>).reverse.print
: Just wanted to confirm that this change in behaviour is a feature
: and not a bug.
: Oh, and if anyone can explain this change in behaviour (or point me
: to a reference where it's described) that would be appreciated since
: I've fallen way off the pace these past months. :-(

Looks like a plain old bug to me.


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