On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 02:18:24PM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
: Having a shortcut for <?null> seems like a very good idea; it
: certainly makes things a lot simpler for the optimizer.  However,
: a reminder that A05 says that angles can be used as a bracketing 
: construct as in C<< \x<0a> >>, so we have the situation that
:     \d065      = ASCII "A"
:     \d<065>    = ASCII "A"
:     \d<>065    = A digit, a null, and the digits "065"

A05 is probably wrong there.  I think we've settled on [] for the
standard extension brackets.

: But for the :w issue, we can always solve it with the colon:
:     \d:065     = A digit (cut) followed by "065"

That doesn't extend to \d:woot, of course...

: Even with all that, I'm still not sure how I feel about \d065.

Yes, you are.  :-)


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