On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 05:44:45PM +0100, Paul Johnson wrote:
> This isn't an answer to your question, but in general production is the
> environment in which your code will be exposed to the data and
> conditions which have had the least testing, and to which you will have
> the least access and freedom to change things.  This is precisely the
> environment in which I like to have checks to discover problems as early
> as possible and to provide the most information about them.

> Should you have considered this found that the checks are just too
> expensive

Then you should go back again and prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt with 

Then add assertion guards using 

if ($DEBUG) {
    .... # Assertion goes here

and benchmark again. If they are still too expensive, then you have 
bigger problems than assertion checking, notably that your application
is probably written in the wrong language.

> I suppose you could consider a source filter, but I couldn't recommend
> that.

I'd make a slightly stronger statement than that: If you were congenitally 
insane, wilfully stupid or drunk, you could consider a source filter for this.


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