# New Ticket Created by  jerry gay 
# Please include the string:  [perl #38262]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=38262 >

perl modules necessary for parrot configuration, development, and
testing have been either committed to the parrot repo, assumed to be
installed by the user, or (in some cases) checked for in code that
uses them.

this mish-mash is causing confusion for developers, testers, and end
users of parrot. all of them are left asking the same question, "what
external modules do i need to use parrot?"

we should have a better answer than "run it and see."

i think that better answer should be in the form of CPAN bundles. a
development bundle (Bundle::Parrot::Devel), a test bundle (::Test),
perhaps a seperate smoke bundle (::Smoke), and perhaps a bundle for
end users (::Install.)

installation of the necessary modules should be checked at configure
time, and an informative message should be given to the user if there
are missing dependencies.

i'm sure i've left things out, so please fill in details where you
deem appropriate. the sooner this task is specified and implemented,
the easier it will be for others to use/develop/test parrot.


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