On 1/19/06, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 19 January 2006 19:50, Rob Kinyon wrote:
> > Nothing. Just like it's not a problem if Perl6 uses one of the
> > Ruby-specific PMCs for storage. In fact, the alternate $repr idea is
> > specifically to allow for the use of foreign datatypes as storage.
> > Luke's excellent example is to use a C-struct as your storage.
> ... but ...
> > Storage of what? What are you trying to do that you need to use an
> > object to store your attributes? Why aren't you just using the method
> > -that- object is using?
> I can't reconcile these two paragraphs.

The second paragraph was referring solely to where you're dealing with
Parrot datatypes only. If you have to go outside of Parrot (to a C
lib, for instance), then you do need to know about the storage

> > No. My objection to bless() is BUILD() and CREATE(). There's already a
> > mechanism in the P6 OO system for specifying the internal
> > representation of the instance.
> This is Perl.  The "there should be one obvious way to do it" ship, canoe,
> raft, and water wings have sailed, paddled, floated, and inflated.

And there is. You can create your own meta-object protocol on top of
p6opaque or any other representation you want. This is *Perl6* - you
can rewrite the whole damn grammar if you want to. You can use another
VM if you want to. (PIL^N runs on Javascript!)

I think this entire issue is rising out of the fact that very very few
people in this discussion are familiar with the design of the MOP.
Stevan and a few others are the primary movers and I'm lucky enough to
have been Stevan's sounding board for a few pieces. Once you grok the
MOP, it's really hard to imagine wanting to use bless(). It's
literally like trying to explain to a BASIC programmer why recursion
is good or trying to explain to a C programmer why automatic memory
management is handy. The frames of reference are so different that the
meaning being trasmitted is not the meaning being received.


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