On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 03:52:39PM -0000, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> "Chip Salzenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The trick is to keep references to registers in a way that notices
> >when the register set is gone, or alternatively, that keeps the
> >register set from going away.  The latter is already achieved by the
> >default LexPad implementation.
> Looking at it, I kinda see where you're coming from, but just stashing away 
> and ensuring a LexPad PMC gets marked for a long as the reference gets 
> marked is not enough, as a LexPad PMC doesn't control lifetime of a context 
> structure, which is responsible for the registers.  OTOH, taking a closure 
> does keep the context and thus register frame in place, which is perhaps 
> what you meant and seems workable.

That's a clever idea, creating a closure, but closures can't achieve any
kind of weak reference.  They never want to let go of their context.  So
that's a non-starter.

What I had in mind, was imitating whatever a closure does to hold onto a
context chain.  I would detail that here except it's not on the top of my
brain except (1) the point is the imitation-rather-than-usage strategy,
and (2) it won't work anyway, also due to the need for a weak reference.

> >Therefore, the representation of a safe pointer to a register would
> >not, in fact, be a pointer to the register's storage in memory, but
> >rather a weak reference (or, conceivably, a strong one?  I doubt it)
> >plus an integer register number.
> A weak reference to the closure PMC, I assume?

Well, what I meant at the time was a weak reference to the context, so
when the context evaporates on its own, you can be notified.  But since
contexts aren't actually GC-able yet that's pretty much impossible now.

To get what you want, you may have to introduce cheap-ass pseudo-GC
pseudo-weak-reference mechanism for contexts.  For example, a list of
callbacks attached to contexts that are to be called when the context's
refcount hits zero.

I'd prefer to reuse something in the engine already for those callbacks.
If a lightweight callback mechanism, with parameter, doesn't already
exist, then you could either use a closure for -that- (eh, too expensive)
or else invent such a mechanism for general use, with yourself as first

> Ah, and the reference might not be to an integer register, but that's
> just detail...

I imagined that the references would only ever be to -PMC- registers...?

> ... the managed reference PMC will hold a reference to the array PMC
> plus the element number (or object PMC and field name).  Yes,
> performance will not be amazing, but that ain't really the goal.

That's a good approach, as far as it goes.  Given the amazing variety of
"array" PMCs you can't possibly guarantee that there will be a memory
address there to use, even without movement issues.

But a .Net-specific solution seems unworthy.  .Net translation isn't
nearly the only code that will want mutable pseudo-references to aggregate
elements.  Seems to me that aggregates should have vtable methods to
create such, with the possibility of specializing.  For example, a mutable
proxy object for %ENV{$foo} would not bother with hash manipulation; it
would just call getenv() and setenv().
Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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