On Tuesday 24 January 2006 18:53, Jeffrey Thalhammer wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've noticed that CPAN authors use a variety of
> techniques to manipulate the run-time environment in
> their test scripts.  Usually, it involves changing
> directories and/or altering @INC. This one seem pretty
> popular:
>   BEGIN {
>       if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {  #What is "PERL_CORE"?
>           chdir 't';
>           @INC = '../lib';
>       }

This is necessary for core modules.  Checking PERL_CORE (which Perl's "make 
test" sets) makes dual-life modules easier to test.  When running as part of 
Perl's "make test", these tests must rely on only the currently-built Perl.

>       else {
>           unshift @INC, 't/lib';
>       }
>   }

I think this is rather:

        unshift @INC, '../lib';

Otherwise, the tests for dual-life modules won't find necessary libraries 
under t/lib.

> * Should a test script have a shebang?  What should it
> be?  Any flags on that?

It's probably immaterial, unless you run test scripts without invoking Perl or 
prove somehow.  (Not likely.)

> * When run outside of 'make test', should the test
> script force modules to load from the distro's lib or
> blib directory by default?  Or should it just load
> from the user's existing @INC (whatever it may be).

I used to do this to make my life easier, but now I think it's just noise that 
looks too much like the ol' black magic header that Perl tests used to have.  
Use prove.

> * Should a test script make any assumptions about the
> CWD?  Is it fair/safe for the test script to change
> directories?

It's absolutely fair.  Unless you use absolute paths (and you'll likely have 
to set them in the tests during the configuration process), the important 
parts of @INC contain relative paths.

> * What's the best practice for testing-only libraries?
>  Where do they go and how do you load them?  Is there
> a naming convention that most people follow (e.g.
> t::Foo::Bar).

Do you mean Test::Class based libraries or common testing routines?  The 
former, I say name Foo::Bar::Test and install them with the other modules if 
there's even a remote chance that someone might subclass your code.  (Non-OO 
modules don't bother.)

Common testing routines, I stick under t/lib and don't namespace.  It could be 
clearer if you do, but it's a matter of whatever makes your test files more 

-- c

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