On 1/28/06, Tels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Moin,
> On Saturday 28 January 2006 08:20, Tyler MacDonald wrote:
> > Gabor Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Anyway I think instead of trying to setup our own binary distribution
> > > we might want to make sure there are up to date repositories of
> > > Perl modules for the major distributions
> > > (and I am not talking only about Linux distributions here).
> > > It can be done by helping the people who already maintain some of
> > > these distributions or by setting up repositories such as
> > > debian.cpan.org, fedora.cpan.org, etc...
> >
> >       That is such an incredibly good idea. I've got plenty of bandwidth
> > to burn and I'm willing to set up debian.cpan.org.
> Of course you must reliaze that, except for pure-perl modules and very
> controlled environments, binary distributions are doomed to fail.
> You simple cannot guess what libraries/compiler/system/kernel the user
> has installed, unless you know the distribution and version *and* require
> that the user never updates anything.

I think I agree. That's what I would like to see solved. If I stick to
the standard
apt-get (or whatever) of my distribution I would like to be able to get all the
CPAN modules by saying

# apt-get install Module::Name

> There is a reason that modules are compiled/linked against the target
> system prior to installation, and there is also a reason to run the
> tests: to assure that that step really worked.
> FreeBSD might get away with that because the user will ever only install
> their ports and they can make sure that they all play together. For
> everything else, this becomes a maintanance nightmare and I wish to be no
> part of that :)

This is for those who want specialized systems with non default versions
of libraries/applications etc. They should indeed install from source and run
the tests.

Others should be able to rely on the fact that the distributor has
already successfully ran the tests in a system with the same software
she has.


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