Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:
Adam Kennedy wrote:

That said, I'd also like "I need libfoo 1.41" declarations and other
similar things, so we can really make the auto-packagers work some
hardcore magic.

/me takes the Net::Pcap maintainer hat
I'd really like to see something like that, this would allow for
a much simpler Makefile.PL (and maybe avoid rants on use.Perl or
elsewhere), but as I discovered with Net::Pcap and the need to
support 4 different versions (2 on Unix, and 2 on Windows) at the
same time it's not really easy to cope with every situation
(although I agree it wasn't that hard since it now somehow works).
But I currently see now simple way to allow for automated build
under Windows, because of manual interaction it requires.

Could you have a look at the COOKBOOK section of the Module::Install docs on CPAN, is that File::HomeDir example sort of what you would need?

Adam K

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