From: Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 14:01:42 +0100

   Bob Rogers wrote:
   >    From: "Leopold Toetsch via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   >    Yep. At least as long we don't have better support for creating
   >    limited continuations that are able to return some results.
   > I'm afraid I don't follow.  What would you consider better?

   Limiting the callframe range, where the continuation can go. Currently 
   creating a continuation is rather expensive, as all RetContinuations up 
   the call chain are converted into full continuations. This is necessary 
   because there is no further information about the usage of the 
   continuation. It could be passed to 'main' and then 'jump' back. Thus 
   all the intermediate frames have to be kept alive, because normal 
   function return goes through these frames.

Hmm.  In this particular case, that doesn't actually make much
difference.  In order to implement certain classes of nonlocal exits,
I'm creating a continuation and stuffing it into a lexical variable, and
I notice that C<newclosure> also promotes the RetContinuation to a
Continuation (though only for that frame).

   Worse, the closed-over frame is leaked entirely.  (Is this what the
"obviously leaks memory" comment in src/register.c is talking about, or
are there other cases of leakage?)  But I think I have a handle on
what's causing this, and hope to propose a fix shortly.

   >    But, FWIW, I am coming around to the view that continuations
   > shouldn't ever be invoked like this . . .

   I don't think that we can enforce this. Have a look at 
   t/library/streams.t. I don't think that a compiler has the knowledge 
   that it's compiling the invocation of a continuation instead of a plain 

Well, mine does, but that doesn't mean much.  ;-}  Point taken.

   The tailcall syntax works, because it's just ignored by the continuation.


Yep; and it also avoids making a useless return continuation, which is

                                        -- Bob

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