Apologies if this is insulting to anyone, but personally I think
that Perl 6 (pugs, parrot, everything) is losing too much momentum
lately. I think we need to seriously rethink some of the
implementation plan.

The required points of emphasis which I think are slipping out of
our fingers are: code reuse, KISS (on the implementation level).

On the positive side I would like to say that despite my criciticism
I think the Perl 6 community has accomplished a great deal in the
last 5 years, and an especially great deal in the last year (thanks
to pugs serving as a catalyst). Good work everyone!

In a nutshell:

        Split the big task that is "Implementing Perl 6" into smaller
        chunks detailed herein.

Why is this a problem::

Perl 6 is a very very very rich language. It's got many overlapping
features (a bajillion loops, operators, yadda), many special cases
(Roles, Classes, Traits - they are specializations of a similar
thing), a HUGE library (access to most of the standard C library,
extended math routines, routines for the builtin types, routines for
higher level IO than the standard C library, etc etc etc).

How can it be fixed:

Split Perl 6 into layers stack, instead of mashing it all up.

        Perl 6 Core - a simple, concise core language in the spirit of
        Scala, Haskell, and all the "cool" languages today. Let's face
        it - they have been the most innovative languages of the last 20
        years or so in terms of quality, robustness, performance,
        extensibility, conciseness. If we copy this we get a solid
        foundation. This backend is optionally type checked, contains a
        very bare bones object oriented system (prototype + multimethod
        seems to me like the most generic approach), etc.

        Perl 6 Extended - Using good domain specific language support
        (extensible grammer, string macros and core language AST macros)
        we implement all the syntax that makes Perl 6 an accessible
        language on top of the Perl 6 core. This contains the grammar
        for Perl 6 as defined by the synopses.

        Perl 6 Prelude - the builtin routines for handling internal data
        types, etc. These must be completely portable, and are part of
        the internal spec.

        Perl 6 Standard Library - contains chunks of stdc, POSIX/Win32
        API, generalizations of IO, etc etc. This is mostly portable,
        but e.g. fork() will be missing on platform X, that will be
        missing on platform Y, etc.

        Perl 6 VM support - the prelude compilation ideas I tossed
        around several months ago relate to this - *ANY* high level
        function can get it's own opcode or low level replacement
        function if it's provided. This approach is just a simplified
        generalization of the opcode/internal routine pattern, in a way
        that can be exploited for performance, rapid development of
        backends, testing, having a reference implementation of the
        prelude and library, etc. (I will reply to this post with
        refernces from the past).

        Perl 6 Parrot support - implementing Perl 6 Core, then Perl 6
        Extended, then perl 6 Prelude (mostly for performance reasons)
        in a way that canonical with the VM support.

-- on the compiler front we can also componentize --

        Parser - can parse Perl core, and have it's grammar updated from

        Compiler - compiles Perl core to PIL

        Interpreter - interprets PIL - slow, but complete

        Linker - loads PIL interface files / modules and grammar
        extension modules, assists the compiler in disamgiuating, allows
        refactoring the parser extensions, and provides necessary info
        for the type checker.


These should be implemented in Perl 6 eventually, but not at first.
Pugs is a good start, but requires lots of separation and decoupling
for this to be realized.

Perl 6 Core macros are just functions that accept ASTs as input, and
are invoked at compile time. They are interpreter by the PIL
interpreter if all else fails.

Using these tools Perl 6 Extended can be bootstrapped. At the next
phase we need:

        Generic VM Emitter - a "Base class" for implementing VM emitters
        that assist in matching functions to opcodes or VM specific

        Parrot core - porting the PIL interpreter, porting bootstrap
        code to allow the linker to link compiled modules, bridging
        between PIL and PIR up to a point where PIL macros can be
        written in PIR, and the compiler can use the PIR backend to run
        compile-time PIL.

Note that whenever I say "Parrot" in my opinion you can also shove
"javascript", "llvm", "neko", ".net", "jvm" and whatever else in
there - I think they are equally important (if not more - after all
they are live, production ready targets).

This plan with pugs in mind:

If Audrey is willing, I think a correct new direction for pugs is to
try and separate the parts even more - the prelude is a mess right
now, many of it's part are duplicated across the backends, the
standard library that is mashed into the prelude, and into pugs core
itself, etc.

After this step I think the multiple backend approach should be
refactored heavily to share as much code as possible, in accordance
with the plans I posted (confusingly termed Circular Prelude stuff
back then, see also VM support listed above).

The biggest missing component of the compiler is: self hosting
grammar, "real" macro support all the way down, a linker (the
groundwork for this has improved with the new lexical importing code
lately), and type checking.

The Perl 5 compatibility layer:

        an additional deprecated library that emulates the Perl 5
        standard library which wasn't absorbed into Perl 6

        the perl 5 to perl 6 converter

        Integration with Ponie to enhance code reuse

Additional criticism:

Right now the biggest problem in Perl 6 land is project management.
We, as a community, are facing a task which is sliced into chunks
that are just way too big in my opinion. People burn out. People
have to do things more related to day jobs (that's why my pugs
hacking is on hold, for example), people think things half way, etc.

If we have a layered approach we can concentrate on providing
something that is more balanced

... Phew.


 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me spreads pj3Ar using 0wnage: neeyah!!!!!!!!!!!

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