On Mar 11, 2006, at 2:07, Nicholas Clark wrote:

I feel more comfortable with the idea of IO being methods on PMCs than raw

They are methods on I/O objects internally. (Just as most opcodes on PMCs actually call vtable methods.) So, the question isn't as significant as it appears. It's really just "Do we provide a simple opcode interface for the most common operations on I/O objects?" Which is an easy "yes".

However, I think that the biggest thing is seeing how the Perl 5 IO works, where all the IO ops have to redispatch if the "file handle" turns out to be tied, and in turn the PerlIO system has a whole second level of redispatch at the C level of "overloading the file handle's behaviour". Oh, and then
there's PerlIO::via which hooks that C level back up to Perl methods.

That's a Perl 5 problem that Parrot handles with vtables. It's not specific to I/O.

So a single level of method calls feels much cleaner, as that means only 1 level of dispatch, however the program is re-implementing IO, be it writes to tied scalars, character set conversion, or merely a direct IO with the
most native operating system interfaces.

It's not quite that simple, as you still have the I/O layers.


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