Is Apache::Test the current state of the art when it comes to testing that web apps work as expected?

I'm working on fleshing out the test suite for SVN::Web. I've already got tests that verify that the basic functionality works, that generated links are sane, and so on.

But I've been bitten a couple of times where I've made a change that's broken mod_perl or mod_perl2 support. Since mod_perl isn't an area of great expertise for me I want to automate this so that I can't make the same mistake twice[1]

Apache::Test looks like it might be the way to go. But it doesn't seem to play very nicely with Test::More, and comments like this in the documentation:

  Use Apache::TestMM in your Makefile.PL to set up your distribution
  for testing.

give me the fear. I've already got my distribution set up, and it doesn't use ExtUtils::MakeMaker...

Am I setting myself up for pain, or is there a nice simple approach to doing this that I've overlooked?


[1] Making new and interesting mistakes is, of course, part of the job.

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