
On Thursday 30 March 2006 17:32, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> Calling ->method( \"" ) or ->method( \undef ) or ->method ( sub { die
> "foo" } ) and a dozen other things like that is intentionally provoking
> that code into blowing up.

This are good things, but checking every param on every call to be 
well-formed is quite expensive. So I can imagine why people don't do 
this :)

> In particular, it forces you to examine your param-checking and similar
> things.
> If your methods takes a reference to a string, can it handle a
> reference to a constant string.

Fun ensues when you simple use -Mbigint, ref(1) suddenly becomes true... 
Most code blow up on this because checking for ref($a) instead of ref($a) 
eq 'HASH' etc.

> I don't know what you'd call this sort of thing, maybe Evil Testing?


> It helps you to answer the question "what can possibly go wrong" and
> weeds out tons and tons of bugs in advance.
> In contrast, as I hear chromatic express it, TDD largely involves
> writing tests in advance, running the tests, then writing the code.
> But often it's not until you write the code that you have some idea of
> the sorts of things that might break it, and so you have a good idea of
> the sorts of evil you need to concentrate on.
> In my use of Test::MockObject and UNIVERSAL::isa/can I found I was
> initially able to cause them to fail quite easily with fairly (to me)
> trivially evil cases that would occur in real life.

Unfortunately, to do such evil testing, the tester needs to be a different 
person than the developer. Really. You never are able to break your code 
like $JoeRandomPerlDeveloper. But in most projects the Testing Manager is 
also the Lead Programmer, Documentation Supervisor, Most Prominent User 
and Quality Assurance Senior Manager in one person.

> I've submitted repeated reports of bugs that seem to occur all in a
> similar location near this API boundary area, and after the first one I
> would have though it was a clue to throw every possible bad type of
> thing you can think of at those points, before releasing again.

OTOH, you cannot catch every evil and malformed input, at least not with 
practical costs in memory/time trade-off (especially developer time!), so 
some cases are on the order of "dont do that".

I think the only thing we can all agree on is that "the more tests the 
better" :D

best wishes,


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