On 4/4/06, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (*) Yes, I know that the core Perl distribution includes many modules,
> but ask any P5Porter and he'll answer you that the core is over-crowed
> and that all core modules that can be made dual-life should be released
> on the CPAN.

I dont agree with this. Or rather, I dont agree that the core is
over-crowded. I do agree that as many modules should be dual-lifed as
possible however, but that is just so you can upgrade without
upgrading perl.

Personally i think the "core is too big" argument is a red-herring
given that bandwidth is as cheap as it is these days. Adding a couple
of modules to core would increase the rsynch time by what a second or
two? It would suck up a couple of extra K, something like 1% of what
most of use for our web-browser cache. So the size argument IMO doesnt
hold water.

Also, there is a tension in the community relating to this issue that
i dont think we will see any resolution of soon.

Many module authors set a design objective of making their modules
"dependent only on core modules".  This is a comment that I see on a 
regular basis.

IMO this objecitve is in direct contradiction of the purported P5P
objective of not adding stuff to the core and just makes omissions
from the core even more critical.

Anyway, i just wanted to add this because I dont think that you can
take it for granted that all perl5porters believe the core module set
should be as restricted as possible. I dont. I believe that the core
should contain out of the box enough support for the various platforms
that perl runs on that when people write code based only on core
modules they can do a good job without reinventing wheels or code

Long term i think the community needs to sort out this problem because
I dont think there is consensus on it, and I think that a lot of
people only look at the issue from their own individual point of view.
If somebody is concerned about the overall quality of perl and CPAN I
think a more holisitic point of view is required.


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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