Larry Wall wrote:
> I really prefer the form where .#() looks like a no-op method call,
> and can provide the visual dot for a postfix extender.

Although inline and multiline comments are very likely to be used in
situations where method calls simply aren't appropriate:

   | Hello! |

is something that I wouldn't be surprised to see.

> It also is
> somewhat less likely to happen by accident the #., I think.  And I
> think the front-end shape of .# is more recognizable as different
> from #, while #. requires a small amount of visual lookahead, and
> is the same "square" shape on the front, and could easily be confused
> with a normal line-ending comment.

All true.  But it avoids the headache of figuring out whether "..#" is
supposed to parse as a double-dot followed by a line-gobbling comment
or as a single dot followed by a delimited comment.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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