
This Google Summer of Code proposal was an idea we had when Leopold visited Braga this month to talk about Parrot. He had a talk with a teacher here in the university which teach compilers, and is working on a toy language named LISS (Language of Integers, Sets and Sequences).

The proposal was to create a compiler to this language. You can check the grammar (well, it might change a little but is mainly the one there) and examples at http://eremita.di.uminho.pt/~ambs/LISS

Why it might be interesting: have one more language targeted to Parrot, have some interaction between the Universities world and the Parrot world, and others. I hope Leo comment this mail with his thoughts when he had the idea.

Now, why am I sending this email?

1) I never proposed anything for SoC at all, and I don't know if this is a task big enough;
2) I do not know if there is really interest on doing this
3) I do not know who to propose as mentor (I offer myself in case of necessity)

And probably more that will appear soon :)

Please, comment... gently :)

Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
                 Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

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