On Saturday 29 April 2006 20:23, Fu, Elva wrote:

> It seems I didn’t express my question very well:-), please let me clarify
> it more detail:

No, I understood you.  You have a binary distribution of Perl packaged by 
someone besides the official Perl release manager.  The package provided by 
the official Perl release manager does include the tests, but whoever made 
the package you installed did not include them.

It's possible to download the official source code corresponding to the 
version from which the packager made the binary distribution, then run those 
tests.  If that's fine, it's not difficult.

Otherwise, you may prefer to install Perl yourself in an alternate location.  
(Replacing the system installed version can affect certain other behaviors of 
the system in unpleasant ways.)  If you do this, use the official 
distribution from source code which includes the tests.

I don't know how much help anyone else on this list can be.  To my knowledge, 
no one here is the person responsible for packaging the RPM you installed.  
Collectively, the Perl 5 porters and to some extent the members of Perl QA 
produced and maintain the test suite within the standard, source code 
distribution.  If someone redistributes Perl under the terms of the license, 
he or she is free to include or disinclude the tests.  Neither the porters 
nor the QA group has any control over this.

-- c

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